Friday, March 2, 2012

what do you think?

in some sort of strange roundabout way, these two images i sourced today may have changed my mind about me completely overhauling my new (to me) bicycle. my new bike that a lovely friend gave to me in exchange for a sunhat of mine (lucky me!) is. a. rust. bucket. i thought it would be fun to de-rustify and re-spray it a new subdued colour...give it back some of its shine. despite the amount of elbow grease required i was really looking forward to putting in the work and snapping some epic before and after photos...but now...i'm thinking...the rust gives her character; maybe just roll with it and add a bit more personality with a basket, bell and streamers? i would love to know what you guys think!? i wish this were a blog where 100  10 people commented and gave me their opinion on this matter. oh please, please. what should it be? complete re-vamp or subtle additions + rust love??

here are the two images of inspiration. there is something about their unkempt, natural state glory:

and the bicycle:
please note, her rustiness is quite masked by the camera. the wheel rims, spokes, the back seat bit and the main seat pole (technical names- ha!) are so rusted they appear black...

sooooooooooooooo...what do you reckon???


  1. lol is it a tricycle? why is it so small hahahah.


  2. I was going to say rust, but then the practical part of my brain kicked in. Rust rubs off on clothi and will slowly wreck your bike. I like the idea if painting it anew. But I would still get streamers-those handlebars are asking for them!


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