we inadvertently went to paris during fashion week which equals = nowhere to stay in the city whatsoever. i called about 20 different small, affordable boutique hotels to no avail then drew the line at the not so enticing 'cheap' options on the outskirts of town with reviews including cockroach sightings and stained mattresses. non, merci. i thought we were living our worst case scenario when we started to search on airbnb...oh mon dieu was i wrong!!! airbnb was the best thing we ever did. it was a way to see paris as the locals do (probably the biggest culprit in my falling in love so hard, so fast). it's the way you get the windey hardwood staircase to lug your bags 6 floors up...or if you're lucky, the teeny tiny wooden elevator you see in movies that has the second iron accordion gate to close before you go up. best of all, you get the big, old, metal key that i imagine has been passed down through tenants for hundreds of years. i chose a place based on location (though it was a bit north of monmartre, so a little out of the way) and almost solely on the fact that it had a balcony. i could not have chosen better. the listing is no longer up or i would be telling you all to stay in this perfect paris apartment right now. the host was the girl i totally thought i'd meet in paris- she was dressed with that 'je ne sais quoi' in in an army jacket, messy hair, no makeup and bright smudgy lipstick. her apartment was just that little bit more edgy than how i like to 'decorate' and i looooovvvvveeed living in the space- nude image wall gallery, taxidermy and all. i cannot wait to go back.

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