Thursday, March 17, 2011


we have been folding night and day now for two days and i am pleased to announce that we are at 450 cranes so far! we've had friends start donating already and i've had four friends contribute physical labour so far- which is actually the biggest help of all at the moment- the donations can wait 'til sunday! we have been getting a lot of support from the community (i.e. herehere and here)...and the bondi markets even gave us a stall for free! so please don't make any excuses this sunday and stop by between 9:30 and 4. let's try and turn 1000 cranes of hope into 5000 dollars of help! every penny counts!


  1. Hey nik, I think it is fantastic that you are doing this. Way to be proactive! If I was there I'd be folding along with you! Good luck on Sunday! xx Kathy

  2. This is just too amazing for words. Sending all our positive energy your way!! Good luck for Sunday x

  3. thank you for the positive vibrations everyone! fingers crossed for no rain tomorrow. i probably won't be able to sleep!



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